Your Roadmap To Scaling
Business Discovery Plan
Many Brands Struggle To Increase Purchase Volume For Their Online Store.
We have a system that pinpoints leaks in your sales funnel and provides a roadmap to convert customers using Facebook ads.
How online stores know exactly what is – and isn’t – working and what to do to fix it AND get to the next stage of growth
The Business Discovery Plan is a deeply thoughtful and planned out approach to move your business forward with online sales – without taking long, so you can implement and scale sooner.
During this process you get analysis and answers to:
- Where you are – business intelligence
- What we found – our audit and assessment of your full sales funnel
- Where you want to be – in terms of revenue
- What we recommend to get you there – a roadmap of steps to follow
This is the same process we use with clients to move them from $0 to tens of thousands a month. And, they really love this approach!
Before spending any advertising dollars, or course correcting what you already have in place, we’ll want to learn things such as:
- Marketing and sales funnel structure
- Your target market nightmares and miracles
- Buyer persona discovery
- Audience trigger words
- What has and has not been working for you
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You know, if anything in your business is not working, nothing is working. These are bottlenecks. They can affect anything. If you have a bottleneck in your sales funnel or processes, you may get sales, but you won’t hit your growth goals.
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How your customers perceive and interact with your business can mean the difference of a flash in the pan purchase, or a customer for life. Understanding and knowing the customer interaction is crucial to increasing customer stickiness and lifetime value.
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We’ll review current strategies of what has worked and what hasn’t, and develop a custom strategy for your audience, offer and brand, including Facebook/Instagram advertising, marketing conversion, and customer nurture.
Taking Action
The Business Discovery Action Plan
We’ll present a 45-60 page PDF that is the roadmap to your businesses success. A good chunk of those pages are action steps for your business.
You will get:
- Website Traffic Ready Action Plan
- Business Processes Action Plan
- Website Optimization Action Plan
- Social Imprint Action Plan
- Facebook Ad Account Management Action Plan
- Revenue Action Plan
- Quantitative Metrics
One of the key sections is your Revenue Action Plan. You will have a roadmap for the first month, month 3-6, 6-12, and beyond – based on your revenue goals and data. We have a system to accurately calculated and project step by step revenue growth. KPIs are set for each stage, so it is very easy to know when to invest more ad spend and scale.
Additionally, you’ll take away a clear road map that details all of the elements that need to be created/updated and the systems that need to be configured.
The Action Plan section clearly lays out the steps you need to take in order to remove friction in your funnel, realize your sales and growth goals, and blast past your competition.